Storage & Virtualization Audit

Operating in a challenging and versatile business environment makes the business case for virtualization even more compelling. Storage and virtualized environments become exceedingly complex at a fundamental level.Virtualization provides significant cost savings by sharing storage space and central processing unit (CPU) capacity. Each IT environment is different, determining compliance can be interpreted and implemented in a variety of ways. Smart enterprises are increasingly deploying virtualization to bring down capital expenses to make operations more agile, responsive, and aligned with business needs. Virtual IT systems inherent risks that need to be audited for proper risk mitigation and provide guidelines for security audits of IT systems.

Current market trend
A proper risk mitigation strategy needs to be developed and followed if enterprises are to harness the benefits of virtualization technology. DigitalTrackGulf Solutions understand Storage and Virtual environments at a granular level. Virtualization drives efficiency into IT processes and brings in better interoperability, manageability, and security. It provides an approach to pooling and sharing IT resources to meet business expectations and moving enterprises closer to dynamic IT. DigitalTrackGulf analyses the security posture and provide adaptive auditing Services that includes enterprise asset management, vulnerability assessments, threat awareness, vulnerability tracking, vulnerability remediation and penetration testing covering all aspects of Virtualization.
An enterprise relying on a virtual IT system should have a proper support system in times of production server failure or disaster. Audit is necessary to check the plan for the virtual IT system and should evaluate the test results. DigitalTrackGulf’s Storage and Virtualization auditing enables the enterprise to discover and classify sensitive data, and stay informed about all file activity, data access attempts and access permissions across the network. DigitalTrackGulf’s Virtualization Services offer an entire gamut of auditing services, including full scale implementation, transformation consulting and virtual infrastructure managed services.